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Commercial premises - shop, 56 m2, in the wider center of Pula, a 5-minute walk from the center, at Mate Balote 8 is for sale.
Commercial premises - shop, 56 m2, in the wider center of Pula, a 5-minute walk from the center, at Mate Balote 8 is for sale. The space is located on the ground floor of an apartment building, with a window 5.5 meters wide facing the street. The space consists of an exhibition and sales area of 36.90 m2, a sales area of 4.60 m2, an office of 2.16 m2, a sanitary unit of 2.25 m2, a wardrobe of 2.54 m2 and a warehouse of 7.70 m2.
The building was regularly maintained, and the space was thoroughly renovated in 2004, and on that occasion, thermal insulation tervol 4 cm, waterproofing, cement screed and porcelain tiles of Spanish production were placed on the floors.
Lighting is installed in the suspended ceilings, as well as sensors for fire alarm and glass breakage. An aluminum glass wall with double glazing is placed on the window.
The building has a use permit that is issued for buildings built before 1968. The mentioned space is entered in the land registers as a business space.
The space is suitable for various trade and business activities, and currently there is a shop selling satellite equipment. The space is exclusively for sale, and we invite interested parties to contact us for viewing and making offers.
We can provide technical documentation upon request.
Licensed real estate agent – reg. no. 116/2018
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